IT Equipment and Computer Software

Categories (6)


Knowledge articles related to Adobe products

Audio Visual

Knowledge articles related to audiovisual services and equipment

Free and Discounted Technology for Personal Use

Knowledge articles related to free and discounted hardware and software for personal use

Internet Browsers

Knowledge articles related to Internet browsers


Knowledge articles related to Microsoft products and applications


Knowledge articles related to Cornerstone

Articles (15)

How to connect to the PGCC-AIR wireless network

This article demonstrates how to connect to the PGCC-AIR wireless network.

How to connect to the PGCC-WLAN wireless network

This article details how to connect to the PGCC-WLAN wireless network.

How to find an application

This article details how to find an application on the computer.

How to Use 'Quick Assist' for Remote Assistance

This document provides an overview to the Quick Assist remote tool and its use in providing troubleshooting assistance to customer devices without a physical presence.

How to Use the Spam Digest Service

This document provides an overview of the Spam Digest platform service to filter incoming spam or phishing emails and allow users more control to protect their email accounts.

Printing Services

This article provides instructions for installing Mobility Printing for iPhone, iPad, Window, MAC and information about PaperCut MF which is the print and copier management system for PGCC Multi-Function Devices (MFDs) including Mobility Printing.

Setup College Apple devices for On-boarding Staff/Faculty

Documentation regarding Apple device setup for on-boarding College employees. This article does not apply to the classroom/lab devices nor College issued iPhones. The article may change as new technologies emerge and is adopted regarding hardware and software utilization and purchases.

Shaderware: How to Install Shaderware Xray VR Software

This is installation summary is needed for installation or re-installation of the Shaderware Xray VR software for the CHS building