Instead of adding a PDF as an attachment to an Outlook email, you can embed the PDF directly into your message. This grabs your audience's attention immediately.
This knowledge article demonstrates how to embed a PDF in Microsoft Outlook 2016.
Note: Only your PDF’s first page will appear in the body of the email. Therefore, you must attach a multi-page PDF for recipients to read its entirety.
Step 1
Create a new email then click Insert.
Step 2
Click in the body of the email then click Object. Note: You must be in the body of an email in order for the Object option to be enabled.

Step 3
Select Adobe Acrobat Document then click OK.

Step 4
Navigate to locate your PDF, select the PDF and then click Open.

Your PDF will open in your default viewer, but it will also be inserted into the body of the email. You can close the PDF viewer and then return to your email.