This article provides instructions for installing Mobility Printing for iPhone, iPod, Window, MAC and information about PaperCut MF which is the print and copier management system for PGCC Multi-Function Devices (MFDs) including Mobility Printing.
How to install Mobility Print for iPhone/iPod
How to install Mobility Print for Windows
How to install Mobility Print for Mac
Print, Copy and Scan: FollowMe-queue
How to install Mobility Print for iPhone/iPod
Step 1. Go to this link http://lgcgppapercut:9163/setup
Step 2. Click Download to download Mobility Print

Step 3. Click Allow to download configuration profile

Step 4. Click Close to continue

Step 5. Go to Settings

Step 6. Click on General

Step 7. Click on VPN & Device Management

Step 8. Click on PaperCut Mobility Print for iOS

Step 9. Click Install

Step 10. Enter your Device Passcode

Step 11. Click Done for profile installed

Step 12. Open a file to print (webpage)

Step 13. Click the icon within green rectangle to view print options

Step 14. Click print to select your FollowMe-queue

Step 15. Select your print Queue

Step 16. Enter myPGCC username and password to authenticate to FollowMe-queue

Step 17. Click Print
How to install Mobility Print for Windows
Note: Please follow these instructions while at the main campus, extension centers, open labs, and faculty printing areas.
Step 1. Go to this link http://lgcgppapercut:9163/setup
Step 2. Click Download to download Mobility Print

Step 3. Look in lower left corner then click

Step 4. Click Yes

Step 5. Click OK

Step 6. Make sure the "I accept the agreement" is selected then click Next

Step 7. Select printer accordingly (*) then click Next
*Students must select FollowMe-Students (Library and Labs)
*Faculty and Staff must select FollowMe-queue [Enterprise]

Step 8. Enter your myPGCC username and password then click Next

Step 9. Click Finish

How to install Mobility Print for Mac
Step 1. Go to this link http://lgcgppapercut:9163/setup
Step 2. Click Download to download Mobility Print

Step 3. Click Save to your Download folder

Step 4. Double click to run the install package

Step 5. Click Continue and follow the guide through the steps necessary to install the software

Step 6. Click Continue

Step 7. Click Agree to begin the install process

Step 8. Click Install

Step 9. Enter myPGCC username and password to install software

Step 10. Installation complete - Click Close

Print, Copy and Scan: FollowMe-queue
PaperCut MF is the print and copier management system for PGCC Multi-Function Devices (MFDs).
The system allows users to print from any computer on the network by simply swiping your staff ID or access card to release that print job from any “FollowMe-queue” printer campus-wide within four (4) hours.
This has the benefits of:
- ensuring print privacy of sensitive materials
- allow flexibility - you can print to any FollowMe printer, not just a specific installed one on your computer
- greatly reducing wasted printing from multiple copies of the same print job
Please note that print jobs can sometimes take several minutes between the time you hit print and the time it shows up on the printer.
This knowledge article has a list of PaperCut-enabled printers and their locations.
College-Wide FollowMe-queue printers
Andrews Air Force Base (AAFB)
Rm 100
Toshiba eStudio 4508A (BW)
Accokeek Hall (ACCK)
Rm 108
Toshiba eStudio 4508A (BW)
Accokeek Hall (ACCK)
Rm 115
Toshiba eStudio 4508AC (Color)
Accokeek Hall (ACCK)
Rm 200
Toshiba eStudio 4508A (BW)
Accokeek Hall (ACCK)
Rm 316
Toshiba eStudio 4508AC (Color)
Annex B
Toshiba eStudio 4515AC (Color)
Annex C
Toshiba eStudio 4508A (BW)
Bladen Hall (Lab)
Rm 104
Toshiba eStudio 8508A (BW)
Center for Advance Tech. (CAT-Lab)
Rm 201
Toshiba eStudio 8508A (BW)
Center for Health Studies (CHS)
Rm 1408
Toshiba eStudio 8508A (BW)
Center for Performing Arts (CPA)
Rm 153
Toshiba eStudio 3515A (BW)
Center for Performing Arts (CPA)
Rm 200
Toshiba eStudio 4515A (BW)
Center for Performing Arts (CPA)
Rm 201
Toshiba eStudio 4515AC (Color)
Center for Performing Arts (CPA)
Rm 301
Toshiba eStudio 3515A (BW)
Chesapeake Hall (CH)
Rm 100
Toshiba eStudio 8508A (BW)
Con-Ed Building
Rm 119
Toshiba eStudio 4508A (BW)
Kent Hall
Rm 110
Toshiba eStudio 4508A (BW)
Kent Hall
Rm 120
Toshiba eStudio 4508AC (Color)
Kent Hall
Rm 228
Toshiba eStudio 4508AC (Color)
Kent Hall (Marketing Dept.)
Rm 235
Toshiba eStudio 4515AC (Color)
Largo Student Center
Rm 149
Toshiba eStudio 4515AC (Color)
Laurel College Center (LCC)
RM 205F
Toshiba eStudio 8508A (BW)
Marlboro Hall (Arts Dept.)
Rm 1031
Toshiba eStudio 3515A (BW)
Marlboro Hall
Rm 3088
Toshiba eStudio 4508A (BW)
Novak Field House
Rm 104
Toshiba eStudio 4508A (BW)
University Town Center (UTC)
Rm 150
Toshiba eStudio 8508A (BW)
University Town Center (UTC)
Rm 253
Toshiba eStudio 8508A (BW)
Westphalia Trade Center
Work Rm
Toshiba eStudio 4515AC (Color)