NOTE: You must have editing privileges to the article. If necessary, check with the owner of the article before proceeding with changes.
Step 1: In the edit mode (under the Body section) of the text editor, select title text of the article if you have one. Remove it since the article itself has a heading.

Step 2: If you have an URL such as add a meaningful description for the end user.
Right-click on the link to select Edit Link option. Under Display Text, delete the existing information and add the destination name/title or other meaningful contents. For example, for the above link, I entered “eduroam U.S. Locator Map” click OK to close the window.

Step 3: For all images, right click to select Image Properties. In the Alternative Text field, enter meaningful information. Think about message that you are trying to convey to the end user - keep it simple! Click OK to close the window.
Note: All images should be “In Line with Text” to be accessible.

Once done with editing, click on Save as Draft or Update Article.