How to make an askPGCC article accessible?


This article shows how to make an existing askPGCC article digitally accessible.


NOTE:  You must have editing privileges to the article.  If necessary, check with the owner of the article before proceeding with changes. 

Showing the Edit Article button within askPGCC Knowledge Base


Step 1:  In the edit mode (under the Body section) of the text editor, select title text of the article if you have one.  Remove it since the article itself has a heading.

 Showing 2 headings for the same article

Step 2:  If you have an URL such as add a meaningful description for the end user.

Right-click on the link to select Edit Link option.  Under Display Text, delete the existing information and add the destination name/title or other meaningful contents.  For example, for the above link, I entered “eduroam U.S. Locator Map” click OK to close the window.

Showing the Display Text field for editing the link

Step 3:  For all images, right click to select Image Properties.  In the Alternative Text field, enter meaningful information.  Think about message that you are trying to convey to the end user - keep it simple! Click OK to close the window.

Note:  All images should be “In Line with Text” to be accessible.

Showing Alternative Text field with meaningful/relevant info for the image

Once done with editing, click on Save as Draft or Update Article.





Article ID: 155419
Fri 2/28/25 9:45 AM
Fri 2/28/25 10:10 AM