Owl Link: How to Review Balances and Accept Financial Aid Rewards (Credit)


When your financial aid award package is ready, you will need to review it and accept or decline your awards. Grants/scholarships have been accepted on the student’s behalf.

This knowledge article demonstrates how to review, accept or decline your awards.

Step 1

After logging into Owl Link and selecting the Financial Aid Home under Financial Aid and Financial Information.

 Step 2

The Account Activity page displays. Click the Financial Information menu then click Financial Aid.

The Financial Aid option highlighted on the Financial Information menu

Step 3

The Financial Aid Home page displays. Click the Review and accept your Financial Aid Award Package link.

An arrow pointing to the Review and accept your Financial Aid Award Package link on the Financial Aid Home page

Step 4

My Awards page displays. Click the View Disbursement Info link.

An arrow pointing to the View Disbursement Info on the My Awards page

Step 5

The Account Activity page displays. Click the down arrow to expand the Charges.

An arrow pointing to the down arrow to expand the Charge menu

Step 6

For a printable version, click the View Statement link.

An arrow pointing to the View Statement link on the Account Activity page

Step 7

A PDF of the statement opens in a new browser tab. Return to My Awards by clicking on the browser tab. 

A printable version of the statement

Step 8

Click the View Award link.

An arrow pointing to the View Award for the Federal Pell Grant

Step 9

Click the Accept or Decline link(s).  Each loan will have a link. You can accept or decline each loan individually or accept all or decline all.

The Accept or Decline links are numbered 1, 2, and 3

Step 10

To accept or decline loans individually, click the Accept or Decline link to expand it then click Accept or Decline.

An arrow pointing to the Accept button

Step 11

Click the Accept or Decline All link then click either Decline All or Accept All.

An arrow pointing to the Decline All and Accept All buttons

Step 12

A message confirming that all applicable awards have been successfully accepted. Click the Close link.

A message confirming that all awards have been successfully accepted. An arrow pointing to the Close link

For instructions regarding your Offer Letter, refer to the How to View and Print Your Offer Letter knowledge article. Also, for more information on Financial Aid, scroll up to the Related Articles section.




Article ID: 121192
Sun 11/29/20 5:20 AM
Thu 3/31/22 11:39 AM