Owl Link: How to View and Print Your Offer Letter (Credit)


The offer letter shows students their official Financial Aid offer letter, which they can accept and then sign electronically. Otherwise, they leave the letter as is. If there are awards that have not yet been accepted or declined on the My Awards page, the students will see a message to this effect and cannot sign the offer letter. Students can view and print their offer letter.

This knowledge article demonstrates how to view and print your offer letter.

Step 1

After logging into Owl Link and clicking Financial Aid Home under Financial Aid and Financial Information.

 Step 2

The Account Activity page displays. Click the Financial Information menu then click Financial Aid.

The Financial Aid option highlighted on the Financial Information menu

Step 3

The Financial Aid Home page displays. Scroll down then click Review Your Financial Aid Offer Letter.

An arrow pointing to the Review Your Financial Aid Offer Letter

OR you can access your offer letter by clicking Award Letter from either menu.

Award Letter options highlighted on both menus

Step 4

The offer letter displays, Budget (Cost of Attendance), EFC (Expected Family Contribution) and Need are listed on the offer letter. For a printable version , click the Offer Letter link.

An arrow pointing to the Offer Letter link and a box surrounding Budget, EFC, and Need

A printable version opens in a new browser tab.

Image of a printable version of the Offer Letter




Article ID: 121190
Sun 11/29/20 3:06 AM
Thu 3/31/22 11:41 AM