Microsoft Outlook: How to Use the Check Names Function

The Check Name function is offered as a spelling checker for names within a company's directory. It's just as useful when you don't know someone's full name. Utilize the Check Name function to ensure that the correct people receive your messages.

This knowledge article demonstrates how to use the Check Names function in Microsoft Outlook.

Step 1

Type a name then click Check Names or press Ctrl+K.

Title: Microsoft Outlook; Description: image of Check Names button

If the name is correct, the name will appear underlined.

Title: Microsoft Outlook; Description: image of correct name underlined

Step 2

If you don't know someone's full name, type the first name then click Check Names or press Ctrl+K.

Title: Microsoft Outlook; Description: image of Check Names button

The Check Names dialog appears with multiple matches. If no match is found, you will be notified.

Title: Microsoft Outlook; Description: image of Check Names dialog

Step 3

Choose the correct name then click OK.

Title: Microsoft Outlook; Description: image of Check Names dialog with OK button highlighted


Article ID: 72862
Fri 3/1/19 10:46 AM
Thu 3/31/22 1:28 PM