askPGCC: Knowledge Article Formatting and Template

askPGCC: Knowledge Article Formatting and Template

This knowledge article provides the formatting and templates (see the Attachments section of this article for the Word template) to use prior to creating knowledge articles in askPGCC. There are two types of knowledge articles, procedural and reference knowledge articles and different formats apply to each. 

  • Procedural knowledge articles explain how to perform a task or troubleshoot an issue and instructions are sequenced as steps. For procedural articles, the title should always start with the knowledge topic followed by a colon and How to Perform a Task e.g. myPGCC Portal: How to Check Out Documents
  • Reference knowledge articles provide general information and always have a subject based on what the article is about e.g. askPGCC: Knowledge Article Formatting and Templates

Note: Article content should be in font type Arial size 14.

Template Structure for Procedural Knowledge Articles

Title example: askPGCC Knowledge Topic: How To (perform a task)

Include an introductory paragraph with an overview of what the document will include. This type of article’s intent is to also be used by the customer; therefore, its content should be geared to that audience.

If you would like to include steps for how to accomplish what the article is about, remember that if there is only one step to leave off Step 1. In other words, for example, only use Step 1, Step 2, Step 3 for multiples steps and if there is only one step don’t use Step 1. If you would like to include an image as a visual representation of how to perform a step, please insert the image after that step(s).

Provide an action description.

Note:  Image Size Restrictions and Resizing

(Be sure the image size is appropriate and not distorted)

Any images uploaded through the editor will be scaled down (with width as the constraint) if they exceed 900px in width. If you do not want your images to be scaled down, ensure that they are already 900px wide or smaller before uploading. After the image is uploaded, you may attempt to scale up the image for display using HTML width and height attributes and/or inline CSS styles for width and height.

Please note that the content viewing window in the client portal is restricted to 750px. While images at 900px and smaller will not be resized, they will appear to be squished into a 750px window. For best results, ensure that your images are no more than 750px wide with proper aspect ratios for a 750px width. In addition, the CKEditor tool will only allow a maximum image size of 4MB to be uploaded to the server.

At the bottom of the article, add any additional pertinent information such as tips that were not included in the steps.

Template Structure for Reference Knowledge Articles

Title example: askPGCC Knowledge Topic: (Reference Article Subject)

Include an introductory paragraph with an overview of what the knowledge article will include. This type of article’s intent is to also be used by the client; therefore, its content should be geared to that audience.


The body of this type of article will vary by topic.  For example, if this article simply lists Technical Requirements for a system, then those requirements would be listed in the body. If screen captures are included, be sure that the image size is appropriate and not distorted.

At the bottom of the article, add any additional pertinent information such as tips not included in the body of the article.