PGCC offers Microsoft Office software to all employees for official college use. This includes Microsoft Visio, which does not come pre-installed. College employees can follow these simple steps below in order to install Microsoft Visio themselves.
Step 1
Save your work and close all Microsoft software. Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, Teams, Project, Publisher, and Access must all be closed for the duration of the installation.
*Note: In order to fully close Teams, you may have to right-click the Teams icon in the system tray as pictured below, and select "Exit".

Step 2
Launch Novell Zenworks Application by clicking Start -> Novell ZENworks -> Zenworks Application

Step 3
Within the Zenworks Application window, select "Microsoft Office" in the left-pane under Applications. Then double-click "Visio 2019" to begin the installation of Microsoft Visio.

Once the installation is complete, Microsoft Visio will automatically launch and you may begin working.