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myPGCC Login (College Network Account)
myPGCC Login (College Network Account)
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Request assistance with login to myPGCC
What is the non-PGCC email address of the person experiencing issues or requesting service?
Provide the email address that is not the PGCC email address.
What is the PGCC ID number for the person experiencing issues or requesting service?
If you do not know the PGCC ID number, please call the Technology Service Desk at 301-546-0637 or Admissions and Records at 301-546-0866. PGCC ID number is needed for verification of identity.
What is the PGCC status for the person experiencing issues or requesting service?
Select the status type for the person experiencing issues or requesting service.
New Student
Returning Student
Employee & Student
Employee's Supervisor
What is the Other PGCC status for the person experiencing issues or requesting service?
Enter the other status type for the person experiencing issues or requesting service.
What is the student status for the person experiencing issues or requesting service?
Select either Credit or Non-Credit for the student experiencing issues or requesting service.
What is the student status for the person experiencing issues or requesting service?
When was the last successful login attempt performed by the person experiencing issues or requesting service?
Select the date of the last login attempt by the person experiencing issues or requesting service.
Description of issue or requested service
The full details of a ticket, including any appropriate circumstances or supplementary information that may aid in resolving it.
Press Alt + 0 within the editor to access accessibility instructions, or press Alt + F10 to access the menu.
Are you the contact for this request?
Please select an option from the drop-down menu or begin typing in the field.
Who is the contact for this request?
This is the name of the person who is experiencing issues or requesting service, which resulted in creating this ticket.
What is the best phone number to reach the contact person?
It is preferred this is the phone number of the actual person who is experiencing issues or requesting service.
File attachments associated with the ticket.
Other Fields
Your name
Your first name
Your last name
Your email address
Verification Code