Owl Link: How to Add, View, and Edit Proxy Access


You may create a proxy account for any person you wish to authorize access to view your online educational records. The proxy account you create will be able to see all information on the pages for which you grant access. A proxy can only obtain student information by logging into Owl Link.

This knowledge article demonstrates how to add, view, and edit your proxy access.

To Add a Proxy

Step 1

After logging into Owl Link and click on your user name on the upper right then select View/Add Proxy Access.

View/Add Proxy Access highlighted on the User Options menu  

Step 2

The Person Proxy page displays. Click the Select a Proxy drop-down and select Add Another User.

An arrow pointing to the Select a Proxy drop-down with Add Another User highlighted

Step 3

The Person Proxy form displays. Complete the information on the form. Note: This information is used by the system to determine if the person you are granting proxy access already exists or is new to Prince George’s Community College.  Fields with an asterisk (*) are required but the more information you provide may prevent a delay in granting your proxy access.

An image of the Person Proxy form

Step 4

Select the Email Type from the drop-down list.
An arrow pointing to the Email Type drop-down list

Step 5

Navigate to the proxy's birth date using the arrows.

A calendar widget with the previous year and month arrows highlighted

Step 6

Select your relationship to the proxy. Pick the one that best represents your relationship with the proxy.  Select Proxy User if none of the others apply. For example, you would select Proxy User if your employer were the proxy. 

An arrow pointing to the Relationship drop-down list

Step 7

It is highly recommended that before granting proxy access you familiarize yourself with the information provided for each of the areas. To do so, hover over the Information icon to find out how much access the proxy will receive. When you grant access, the information you see is the same information available to your proxy.

The Information icon highlighted with information callout displayed

Select 8

To select all for a specific module, click the Select All check box.

An arrow pointing to the Select All checkbox for access to a specific module


To allow complete access, choose the Allow Complete Access radio button.

The Allow Complete Access radio button is selected

Step 9

Click the authorization check box then click Submit.

The authorization check box is selected with an arrow pointing to the Submit button

Step 10

Enter your password then click Submit. Note: This will occur each time a proxy is added.

A red box highlighting the Submit button on the Password Verification dialog

The system will try to determine if a matching record already exists, if there are multiple potential matches or there is no match at all.  A potential match will hold the record for further review by a college staff member. The staff will review information submitted on the proxy form against all potential matches. You will be contacted if additional information is necessary for staff to be able to make a final determination. Once the potential duplicate record has been resolved, you and the proxy will receive email notifications that proxy rights have been granted. 

Step 11

If there is a potential match, the following message will appear. Click Continue if you want to proceed with having college staff review the information to decide if your proxy should be treated as a new record or an already existing record. Click Cancel if you do not want to submit the request. Note: It may take up to two (2) business days for before a final determination can be made.

A red box highlighting the Continue button on the Search Results dialog

If you proceed with the request, the proxy under review will have the indicator of Pending. The proxy will not have access to your records until the Pending status has been resolved by college staff.

If your proxy does not already exist in the PGCC database, the following message will appear.  Click Continue to process.

A red box highlighting the Continue button on the Search Results dialog

A notification bar displays at the top of the screen stating that your request was processed successfully.

A notification bar with a green check appears at the top of the screen stating that your request was processed successfully

Your successful request will trigger an email workflow.  As the student, you will receive a copy of the email sent to your proxy.  You will not receive the email containing the temporary password.  The email will come from ss_proxy@pgcc.edu.

A sample of the email generated by the proxy access request

To View or Edit a Proxy

Step 1

Repeat Steps 1 and 2 above.

Step 2

Under Active Proxies, click the Edit Proxy Access button.

A red arrow pointing to the Edit Proxy Access button under the Active Proxies section

Step 3

Make the necessary changes then click Save. Note: You can make any of the following changes:

  • Allow Complete Access
  • Allow Select Access (select additional access)
  • Remove All Access

Red boxes highlighting the Access section and the Save button on the Edit Proxy Details dialog

For information on how to log into Self-Service as a proxy, scroll up to the Related Articles area and refer to the How to Log into Self-Service as a Proxy knowledge article and for answers to Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQs), scroll up to the Attachments area to download the FAQs document.



Article ID: 122343
Wed 12/9/20 1:12 PM
Thu 3/31/22 11:37 AM

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