How to access the Business Objects Platform
Business Objects platform can be accessed via the MyPGCC portal. It is necessary to request access first via the employee’s supervisor where they will need to place an AskPGCC ticket. Optional training regarding the use of the platform can be provided by the RAE department using the previous AskPGCC ticket link.
1. Open an Internet browser and go to the MyPGCC sign-in portal.
2. Sign in with the employee credentials, perform a Multi-Factor Authentication, and confirm the site information.
3. At the main portal, click on the Business Objects icon/link. Alternatively, click on the side menu located before the MyPGCC Portal logo to bring up the menu selection, click on Apps, then click on Business Objectives.
4. Once successfully logged into the platform, be mindful of any status and warning messages. Otherwise, users can access files, folders, and modules per their work-related tasks. Any issues regarding Business Objects, please place an AskPGCC ticket specific to this platform so that Enterprise Technology can respond and resolve the reported issues.