Accessing Higher Education: First Day Ready
After logging into Canvas, click on the Help icon from the Global Navigation Menu.
After selecting Training Services Portal, scroll down and select Training Services Portal from the text at bottom of the box.
Select Training Services Portal Enter Here.
Select Authorize on the Training Portal window if prompted. Also, close the Canvas Training Portal Tutorial Window by clicking on the X on the top right-hand side of the window. Then, click on the green Launch Training button.
After accessing the training portal in Canvas use the direction below to register for First Day Ready training course.
Step 1: From Canvas PD > Training Portal LTI, horizontal menu bar, select the Offerings & Pathways
Step 2: In the search field, type “first” and click Search.
Step 3: Click Filters, and in the Tags field, type “Higher Education” and click Apply Filters
Step 4: On the First Day Ready Learning Pathway course card click Enroll Now. Then, continue with the course under IN PROGRESS section of the Offerings & Pathways menu.