How do I change myPGCC password

  1. Go to 
  2. Login with your username and password (username does not include (e.g., jsmith123), then click Login
  3. Click Password & Account Management
  4. Click "Change your password now"

How to update your PGCC College-Issued Laptop with your new myPGCC password

  1. After changing your password, if your college-issued laptop is not already logged in, log in to the laptop using your old password
  2. Make sure the laptop is connected to the internet
  3. Connect to the GlobalProtect VPN with the new password (if working from off-campus locations)
  4. Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete
  5. Select the Lock option
  6. Press Enter
  7. Enter your New password when prompted
  8. Restart the laptop
  9. Log in to the laptop using the new password
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