This knowledge article demonstrates how to access and complete your Graduation Application.
Step 1
After logging into Owl Link, select the Graduation Overview on the main menu

Step 2
The Graduation Overview page is displayed. Click Apply to begin the Graduation Application.

The Graduation Application is displayed. Complete the application by filling the required fields. Required fields are those with an asterisk.

Step 3
Click the Graduation Term drop-down and select your graduation term.

Step 4
Enter the phonetic spelling of your name. Note: This will assist with the pronunciation of your name for Commencement exercises. If you are unsure of the phonetic spelling of your name, simply enter your name.

Step 5
Select your primary campus location. If more than one location appears, select the location that best represents the campus with which you identify. Please note that this is for data collection purposes only.

Step 6
Click the slider to answer questions regarding the Commencement Details. Blue equals Yes and gray equals No.

Step 7
To have your diploma mailed, set the Do you plan to pick up the diploma slider to No. Your mailing address is then displayed.

Step 8
You may choose to have your diploma mailed to the address on file or a new address. To have your diploma mailed to a new address, select the Ship to a new address option. Complete the required fields. If the address is outside of the United States or Canada, select that check box. To request to have your mailing address updated, select the Request this be my new address going forward check box. Checking this box will update your mailing address in our records to the new address you provided.

Step 9
When the Request this be my new address going forward check box is selected, the Type field is displayed. Note: The only option for Type is Web-Home/Permanent/Legal which is a temporary type. Once your address has been reviewed by the Office of Records and Registration, the Type will be changed to Home/Permanent/Legal.

Step 10
Click the What is your Military Status drop-down list to select a status.

Step 11
If you or your guests, require special accommodations, enter the type of special accommodations required. Click Submit to complete your Graduation Application.

Step 12
A notification message is displayed. Click the Back to Programs of Study link to return to the Graduation Overview page.

The Graduation Overview page is displayed. The Application Status shows the date the application was submitted