Colleague: Address Validation Using CLEAN_Address


CLEAN_Address is an address validation software component. It is a plug-and-play program for easily verifying and standardizing both domestic and foreign addresses. CLEAN_Address can be used real-time, as well as for batch-mode address validation. CLEAN_Address has been tailored specifically for higher education and for ERP systems such as Colleague.

CLEAN_Address has been seamlessly integrated into the Colleague system. You simply enter an address into one of the application screens such as NAE, ADR, QRGP or TRRQ. As you "Tab" through the address fields within Colleague, the address will get automatically corrected and validated, in the background. 

CLEAN_Address can intelligently validate an address based upon the data being entered. For example, you may type only the street address and the zip code. Or, if you don't know the zip code, then simply enter street address and the city/state.

Title: Colleague/Clean Address; Description: image of address verification chart

How Address Validation is Triggered

Within the Colleague application screens, an address verification call to CLEAN_Address will automatically get triggered, when you perform any one of the following actions:

Title: Colleague/Clean Address; Description: image of how address verification is triggered

What Occurs When Address Validation is Triggered?

  1. The address is automatically corrected and validated in the background.
Entered Address Corrected and Validated Address
Title: Colleague/Clean Address; Description: image of incorrect address Title: Colleague/Clean Address; Description: image of corrected & validated address
  1. A message appears in case of an address error, which you may dismiss by clicking OK. CLEAN_Address also notifies you of invalid email addresses. If the error is not corrected before saving the address or email, the entered error data is saved.

Title: Colleague/Clean Address; Description: image of error message re: incorrect email address

  1. In case of multiple matches found for an input address, a suggestion list displays on the page. You may select a suggestion from the list and copy-paste into the relevant field. "Tab" out of the field, in order to re-verify.

Title: Colleague/Clean Address; Description: image of multiple address matches

What Options Do You Have?

  1. To clear all fields and enter a fresh address, first start by clearing the Street Address Line. Otherwise, CLEAN_Address will keep trying to validate the partial address.
  2. "Skip Address Verif" checkbox may be used in order to turn address verification off. You may check this and disable validation for an address. Note: Best practice is not to skip the address verification.

Title: Colleague/Clean Address; Description: image of Skip Address Verif checkbox

For more information on CLEAN_Address, the user guide can be accessed by scrolling up to the Files area and selecting the PDF entitled PGCC CLEAN_Address_User_Guide.



Article ID: 71202
Thu 1/31/19 9:18 AM
Tue 4/5/22 10:39 AM

