Microsoft Outlook: How to Propose and Accept a New Time for a Meeting


If you receive a meeting request for a time you're not available, you can decline the request or propose a new meeting time. If you propose a new time, the meeting organizer can either accept or decline the proposal. Note: You can't propose a new time for a recurring meeting or if the meeting organizer has disabled the ability to propose a new meeting time for any non-recurring meeting.

This knowledge article demonstrates how to propose and accept a new time for a meeting.

Step 1

Upon receiving a meeting request, click Propose New Time and choose Decline and Propose New Time.

Title: Microsoft Outlook; Description: image of Propose New Time button and options

Note:  If the Propose New Time feature has been disabled, the Propose New Time option will not be available (see below).

Title: Microsoft Outlook; Description: image of Disabled Propose New Time option


Step 2

Click AutoPick Next or select a different time or date and click Propose Time.

Title: Microsoft Outlook; Description: image of Propose New Time dialog

Step 3

The new proposed date and time of the meeting is displayed along with the current date and time. Click Send.

Title: Microsoft Outlook; Description: image of revised meeting request with new proposed time


When you receive a request for a New Time Proposed, click Accept Proposal to accept the new proposed time or propose another date and time.

Title: Microsoft Outlook; Description: image of Accept Proposal

Step 5

If you receive multiple proposals, you will need to open the Meeting Request from your Calendar in order to view all of the proposals.  The Information icon notifies you that there are multiple proposals. To view the proposals, click Scheduling Assistant.

Title: Microsoft Outlook; Description: image of multiple new time proposals

The new proposed times are displayed.

Title: Microsoft Outlook; Description: image of new proposed times

Step 6

Select a new date and time that attendees are available then click Appointment to return to the Appointment screen.

Title: Microsoft Outlook; Description: image of Appointment button

Step 7

Click Send Update.

Title: Microsoft Outlook; Description: image of Send Update button.




Article ID: 60570
Thu 8/16/18 3:58 PM
Thu 3/31/22 2:06 PM