How to Create a Video Announcement in Canvas


The following  steps by step instructions show how to add a media component to a course announcement. If step by step video instructions work better, click the following link: or visit the Panopto Faculty Channel to view this and other helpful videos.

  1. Select Announcements from the course navigation.
    Arrow pointing to announcements link in the course navigation.
  2. Select +Announcement on the right.
    Arrow pointing to the +Announcement button in the upper right corner.
  3. Provide a title in the a) Topic Title field.
    In the b)Description field, type any message you want to be included with your video.
    Arrow labeled a is pointing to the topic title section. While arrow labeled b is pointing to the description input box.
  4. Click the plug icon in the toolbar of the Rich Content Editor (RCE).
    Arrow pointing to an enlarged image of the plug icon in the editor menu.
  5. Scroll down and Select Panopto Videos.
    Arrow pointing to the Panopto Videos option in the dropdown interface.
  6. There are 3 options for adding a video to an Announcement.
    • a) In the first option Choose: allows the ability to select from videos already created.  
      Arrow labeled a pointing to the choose tab option.
    • b) The second option Upload: provides the ability to upload videos or audio located on the computer.
      Arrow labeled b pointing to the upload tab option.
    • c) The third option Record: allows the ability to record a new video or audio file from the two recording option provided in Panopto: Capture(via the browser), Panopto for Mac/Windows(via the app).
      Arrow labeled c pointing to the record tab option.
  7. To record in the browser select Launch Capture.
    Arrow pointing to the launch capture button in the how would you like to record interface.
  8. After clicking Launch for a brief moment the loading screen might be seen.
    Panopto video load media interface.
  9. Capture* will open in a new browser tab.
    Panopto capture recording interface.
    *if you need a recording refresher
  10. After recording the video will load in the Panopto Videos interface.
    Shows what the interface looks like with a loading video
  11. When the video loads. It will look like this in the interface.
    updated look of the interface with a loaded video
    • a) Additional options 1: If the video folder requires relocation. Select the Choose a folder or start typing to search dropdown
      Arrow labeled a pointing to the folder dropdown option.
    • b) Additional options 2: Select the Video Embed Options dropdown, if the size, start location, interactivity, autoplay, enable ‘watch in Panopto’, show title, show logo, or show captions should require any changes.
      Arrow labeled b pointing to the video embed options dropdown.
  12. Select Insert.
    Arrow pointing to the insert button.
  13. The video will load in the + Announcement interface.
    Three different arrows labeled a, b, and c pointing to options post it, attachments, and options
    • a) Post to: Canvas will send your announcement to all sections within your course. To select specific sections for your announcement, click the Post to drop-down menu and select sections from the list provided.
    • b) Attachment: To add click the Choose File button.
    • c) Options: delay posting(which allows you to schedule the announcement for a future date), allow users to comment, users must post before seeing replies, enable to podcast feed, or allow liking can be selected before posting the announcement.
  14. Click the Publish button.
    Arrow pointing to publish button




Article ID: 143852
Fri 1/20/23 4:32 PM
Tue 5/23/23 11:27 AM