How to View Past Contracts


Contracts relocate to the past contracts section after they are accepted or rejected. The instructions below will show faculty how to locate these contracts.

Step 1

Log into Owl Link.


Step 2

Select the Daily Work menu icon.

Arrow pointing to the icon menu.


Step 3

Select Faculty from the dropdown menu.

Arrow pointing to the faculty option in the dropdown on the side menu.


Step 4

Select Faculty Contract.

Arrow pointing to the faculty contracts option in the faculty dropdown.


Step 5

Select Past Contracts to view previous contracts.

Arrow pointing to the Past Contracts option.


Step 6

Select the applicable semester.

Arrow pointing to the Spring 2022 Semester option.

Step 7

To View the contract.

  • Select View.

Arrow pointing to the View button.


To Download the contract.

  • Select Download.

Arrow pointing to the Download button.



Article ID: 137598
Thu 1/13/22 10:58 AM
Tue 4/5/22 10:59 AM