Online Course Evaluation (Faculty): How to Access Your Course Evaluation Results


Steps to access online course evaluation results.


The online course evaluation process using Watermark's Course Evaluations & Survyes (CES, formerly known as Evaluation Kit) is accessed through Canvas.  Once the evaluations are completed and the results are available to chairs, deans, coordinators and faculty, the results can be accessed in one of two ways.  Option 1 is to go into the course in Canvas; Option 2 is to access the Settings area in your Canvas account and select Course Evaluations.  (instructions below).

Option 1

To view Online Course Evaluation results inside of the Canvas course, log into Canvas.  Deans, chairs and coordinators will use their .dean, .chair and .coord user accounts.  Once logged in and inside of a course that was evaluated, you will see Instructor Course Evaluations in the course navigation. Click on the link to access the survey results. For instructions on how to access the project reports, scroll down to Project Results below. 

Canvas course menu image

Option 2

Step 1

To access the course evaluations outside of a Canvas course, log into Canvas using your faculty account.  Deans, chairs and coordinators will use those accounts to see course evaluation results from all courses they are enrolled in.  Once logged into Canvas, click on your Account at the top of the global navigation menu. 

Canvas global navigation menu image

Step 2

Click on Settings.

Canvas Account image, select Settings

Step 3

Select Course Evaluations from the Settings area.

Account Settings area

Step 4

You will see the list of projects you have access to.  To see results for a project, select the project by clicking on the project name. 

Project Results

Project Results:

To see Project Results:

From the Project Results screen, select the down arrow under Report.

Click Report

Step 2

The following options will be displayed.  Select a report type.  

Report Options

Step 3

The report will be downloaded to your computer.  Click on the downloaded report to display.

Report Download



Article ID: 116393
Thu 9/17/20 12:07 PM
Tue 2/21/23 10:33 AM